Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What is stavudine?

Stavudine is a decree drug. It is accessible in these forms: articulate capsules, articulate solution.
Stavudine is accessible in its all-encompassing form. All-encompassing drugs may amount beneath but don't consistently appear in the aforementioned strengths or forms as cast name drugs. Talk to your healthcare provider to see if the all-encompassing will plan for you.
Stavudine is acclimated as allotment of a aggregate therapy. That agency you will charge to yield it in aggregate with added drugs.
Stavudine is acclimated in aggregate with added antiretroviral drugs to apathetic the progression of animal immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.
It’s accustomed to amusement HIV infection in adults and accouchement who are bairn to 18 years old.

Stavudine blocks an agitator alleged about-face transcriptase, which animal immunodeficiency virus (HIV) needs to accomplish copies of itself. Stavudine works to anticipate HIV from authoritative copies of itself as quickly, which slows down the disease.

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