Thursday, November 27, 2014

What is Podophyllotoxin?

Mol. mass:414.405 g/mol
assay :98%
Melting Point:183-184 °C (lit.)
Boiling Point:~597.9 °C at 760 mmHg (Predicted)
Density:~1.4 g/cm3 (Predicted)
Refractive Index:n20D 1.61 (Predicted)
storage temp. :2-8°C
Solubility:Soluble in 100 % ethanol, chloroform, acetone, water (0.12 mg/ml), and methanol.

A potent inhibitor of microtubule assembly and DNA topoisomerase II
more about:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Chicory's History

Chicory is one of the oldest recorded types of plants. Chicory is built-in to Northern Africa, Western Asia and Europe, and its agronomics is anticipation to accept originated in Egypt in age-old times. Later, chicory was developed by Medieval monks in Europe (at which time frequently added to coffee by the Dutch). It was brought to North America in the 1700s and has been a accepted coffee acting or an additive in coffee in France back about 1800.
More recently, chicory burning has been associated with embargoes and amount cutting. Across history, there accept been abounding substitutes for coffee if coffee was unavailable, including broiled acorns, yams and a array of bounded grains, but chicory tends to be the adopted coffee substitute, and in some circles it is even acclimated if coffee is accessible and cheap.
One actual and cultural archetype of chicory's use as a coffee acting is begin in New Orleans. Due in allotment to its influences from French culture, New Orleans was a above customer of coffee above-mentioned to the Civil War. Then, in 1840, coffee access to the New Orleans anchorage was blocked. Taking a cue from their French roots, locals began to use chicory as a coffee substitute. Today, chicory charcoal a accepted coffee backup or coffee additive in New Orleans, and 'New Orleans Coffee' about refers to chicory coffee. New Orleans coffee vendors generally alloy their coffee with up to 30 percent chicory root.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

What is Totarol™ used for?

Totarol is extracted from recycled Podocarpus totara heartwood application supercritical CO2.
Totarol is a accustomed and amoebic raw actual for use in derma and articulate affliction applications as able-bodied as added corrective and medical applications.
Sustainable and accustomed abstraction methods are acclimated to aftermath Totarol products.
Totarol is a accustomed abstract accomplished in the ambrosial diterpenoid, Totarol: C20H30O.
It aswell contains added bioactives accompanying in anatomy to Totarol.
It can be acclimated as a bactericide abject but has to be accumulated with an anti-mould substance.

The allotment of Totarol crumb to use should be about 0.1% for accepted applications and 0.5% for anti-acne treatment.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What is Magnesium Myristate?

Magnesium Myristate is about anon accessible in a lot of volumes. High purity, submicron and nanopowder forms may be considered. American Elements produces to abounding accepted grades if applicable, including Mil Spec (military grade); ACS, Reagent and Abstruse Grade; Food, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Grade; Optical Grade, USP and EP/BP (European Pharmacopoeia/British Pharmacopoeia) and follows applicative ASTM testing standards. Typical and custom packaging is available. Additional technical, analysis and assurance (MSDS) advice is accessible as is a Reference Calculator for converting accordant units of measurement.

Magnesium Myristate is a white crumb with a hardly adhering odor. It is acclimated as a dry adhesive in the claimed affliction and cosmetics industry. The able adamant backdrop of dry anchor accomplish them easier to banish acceptance the formulator to abatement the bulk of lipids. They are aswell hydrophobic, and abridge the acute of powders.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What is Goldenseal?

Goldenseal is an herb. The broiled basis is acclimated to accomplish medicine.
Goldenseal is acclimated for abounding conditions, but so far, there isn’t abundant accurate affirmation to actuate whether or not it is able for any of them.
We do apperceive that goldenseal isn’t able for its a lot of acclaimed use, appearance actionable drugs in the urine. Despite rumors to the contrary, goldenseal won’t could cause false-negative after-effects for marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines or abundant added actionable drugs. Interestingly, the abstraction of application goldenseal to adapt biologic awning after-effects came from the atypical Stringtown on the Pike, by the pharmacist John Uri Lloyd. However, in this book, goldenseal acquired a false-positive for strychnine poisoning, not actionable drugs.
Goldenseal is aswell acclimated for the accepted algid and added high respiratory amplitude infections, as able-bodied as airless adenoids and hay fever. Some humans use goldenseal for digestive disorders including abdomen affliction and abscess (gastritis), comestible ulcers, colitis, diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, and abdominal gas.
Goldenseal is acclimated for urinary amplitude infections (UTIs), centralized bleeding, bleeding afterwards childbirth, alarmist disorders, cancer, abiding fatigue affection (CFS), jaundice, gonorrhea, fever, pneumonia, malaria, whooping cough, and an bistro ataxia alleged anorexia.
Women use goldenseal for vaginal affliction and abscess and menstrual aeon problems.
Goldenseal is activated to the derma for rashes, ulcers, anguish infections, itching, eczema, acne, dandruff, ringworm, canker blisters, and algid sores. It is acclimated as a mouthwash for abscessed gums and mouth.
Some humans use goldenseal as an adulation for eye deepening and eye infections alleged conjunctivitis, or “pink eye.”
Goldenseal is acclimated in the aerial for ringing, earache, and deafness.

Goldenseal is frequently begin in the abysmal dupe from Vermont to Arkansas and accustomed its name from the golden-yellow scars on the abject of the stem. When the axis is broken, the blister resembles a gold wax letter seal.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hypericin description

Hypericin is a naphthodianthrone, a red-colored anthraquinone-derivative, which, calm with hyperforin, is one of the arch alive capacity of Hypericum (Saint John's wort). Hypericin is believed to act as an antibiotic, antiviral and non-specific kinase inhibitor. Hypericin may arrest the action of the agitator dopamine β-hydroxylase, arch to added dopamine levels, although appropriately possibly abbreviating norepinephrine and epinephrine.
It was initially believed that the anti-depressant pharmacological action of hypericin was due to inhibition of monoamine oxidase enzyme. The awkward abstract of Hypericum is a anemic inhibitor of MAO-A and MAO-B. Isolated hypericin does not affectation this activity, but does accept some affection for NMDA receptors. This credibility in the administration that added capacity are amenable for the MAOI effect. The accepted acceptance is that the apparatus of antidepressant action is due to the inhibition of reuptake of assertive neurotransmitters.
The ample chromophore arrangement in the atom agency that it can could cause photosensitivity if ingested above beginning amounts. Photosensitivity is generally apparent in animals that accept been accustomed to abrade on St. John's Wort. Because hypericin accumulates preferentially in annihilative tissues, it is aswell acclimated as an indicator of annihilative cells. In addition, hypericin is beneath analysis as an abettor in photodynamic therapy, whereby a biochemical is captivated by an animal to be after activated with spectrum-specific ablaze from specialized lamps or laser sources, for ameliorative purposes. The antibacterial and antiviral furnishings of hypericin are aswell believed to appear from its adeptness for photo-oxidation of beef and viral particles.

Hypericin derives from polyketides cyclisation.