Sunday, October 28, 2018

Black Seed History

The black seed and its oil are recognised for their alleviative backdrop throughout the world. Black seed has been decidedly accepted in acceptable systems of medicine from the Middle East, North Africa, the Asian Sub-continent and the Far East. References to black seed can aswell be found in some of the oldest religions. In Islamic literature, it is advised as one of the greatest forms of healing.
Mention can aswell be found in the Old Testament which refers to the agronomics of the black cumin plant and its harvest.
The Book of Isaiah (8th Aeon BC)
Reference to the black cumin seed is fabricated in the Book of Isaiah (Isaiah 28:25,27 nkjv). This would arise to be the age-old accounting advertence to black seed.
In the verses The Prophet Isaiah (AS) describes the accomplishment of black cumin. The exact chat used is the Hebrew: ketsah which has been antiseptic to accredit after agnosticism the nigella sativa seed (Easton’s bible dictionary)
Ancient Egyptian use of Black seed (13th Aeon BC )
Records from age-old Egypt announce Cleopatra used black seed oil in her ablution and Nefertiti as allotment of her derma affliction regimen. The claimed physician of the pharaoh Tutankhamen used the black seed to allay his patients’ coughing and it was aswell found in Tutankhamen’s tomb – It acutely played an important role in age-old Egyptian life.
Black seed in Greek Medicine 1st Aeon AD
Greek physicians of the 1st aeon had abounding uses for black seed. It is recorded that black seeds were taken to amusement headaches, nasal congestion, toothache, and abdominal worms. Hippocrates used black seed as a accustomed antidote for deepening the animal for sufferers of accepted angst and weakness. Additional recorded uses by the age-old Greeks cover as a diuretic to growth menstruation and access milk production.

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