Sunday, April 23, 2017

Selenomethionine substitution chemistry issues

Selenium and sulfur are chalcogens that allotment abounding actinic backdrop so the barter of methionine with selenomethionine may accept alone a bound aftereffect on protein anatomy and function. However, the assimilation of selenomethionine into tissue proteins and keratin in horses causes acrid disease.
Alkali ache is characterized by emaciation, accident of hair, anamorphosis and address of hooves, accident of vitality, and abrasion of the joints of continued bones.

Incorporation of selenomethionine into proteins in abode of methionine aids the anatomy comment of proteins by X-ray crystallography application single- or multi-wavelength aberrant diffraction (SAD or MAD).The assimilation of abundant atoms such as selenium helps break the appearance botheration in X-ray crystallography.

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