Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Ammonium lauryl sulfate safety

In top concentrations this atom may could could could cause astringent affliction to eyes and skin. Inhalation may could could could cause affliction to the respiratory system. Ingestion may could could could cause irritation.
In a 1983 address by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review, shampoos absolute up to 31% ALS registered 6 bloom complaints out of 6.8 actor units sold. These complaints included two of attic itch, two allergic reactions, one hair accident and one complaint of eye irritation.
The CIR address assured that both sodium and ammonium lauryl sulfate “appear to be safe in formulations advised for discontinuous, abrupt use followed by absolute rinsing from the apparent of the skin. In articles advised for abiding use, concentrations should not beat 1%.”
The Human and Environmental Risk Assessment (HERA) activity performed a absolute analysis of all alkyl sulfates, as such the after-effects they begin administer anon to ALS. Most alkyl sulfates display low astute articulate toxicity, no toxicity through acknowledgment to the skin, absorption abased derma irritation, and absorption abased eye-irritation. They do not sensitize the derma and did not arise to be baleful in a two year abstraction on rats. The address begin that best carbon chains (16–18) were beneath acid to the derma than chains of 12–15 carbons in length. In addition, concentrations beneath 1% were about balmy while concentrations greater than 10% produced abstinent to able affliction of the skin.

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