Monday, May 26, 2014

AL-LAD Side Effects & Adverse Reactions

AL-LAD is currently Unscheduled in the United States. It is a gray breadth in the law because it is acceptable actionable beneath the federal analog act.
AL-LAD is aswell referred to as N-allyl-nor-LSD. It is an alternation of LSD that was declared by Alexander Shulgin in TiHKAL. Shulgin (1995) appear that the dosage of AL-LAD about ranges from 80 – 160 micrograms, and the continuance of abstract furnishings usually lasts for 6 – 8 hours.
AL-LAD is a almost new substance, and little is accepted about its ancillary effects, adverse reactions, continued appellation damage, and/or addiction potential. Remember, analysis chemicals are beginning chemicals that are not accustomed for animal consumption. This is because not abundant abstracts exists currently about their furnishings in humans. Although some humans are accommodating to blot the analysis actinic AL-LAD, it is absurd to accept that it is in any way safe to use recreationally.

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