Thursday, December 19, 2013

Glimepiride Description

Glimepiride is the aboriginal III bearing sulphonyl urea it is a actual almighty sulphonyl urea with continued continuance of action.
Glimepiride, like glyburide and glipizide, is a "second-generation" sulfonylurea agents. Glimepiride is acclimated with diet to lower claret glucose by accretion the beard of insulin from pancreas and accretion the acuteness of borderline tissues to insulin.
The apparatus of action of glimepiride in blurred claret glucose appears to be abased on aesthetic the absolution of insulin from action pancreatic beta cells, and accretion acuteness of borderline tissues to insulin. Glimepiride acceptable binds to ATP-sensitive potassium approach receptors on the pancreatic corpuscle surface, abbreviation potassium conductance and causing depolarization of the membrane. Film depolarization stimulates calcium ion arrival through voltage-sensitive calcium channels. This access in intracellular calcium ion absorption induces the beard of insulin.
Following either an intravenous or articulate dose, glimepiride is absolutely metabolized by oxidative biotransformation to a above metabolite, cyclohexyl hydroxymethyl acquired (M1), via the hepatic cytochrome P450 II C9 subsystem. M1 is added metabolized to the carboxyl acquired (M2) by one or several cytosolic enzymes. M1, but not M2, bedevilled about one third of the pharmacologic action of its ancestor in an beastly model. However, whether the glucose-lowering aftereffect of M1 is clinically cogent is not clear. 

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