Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Bamboo Shavings Identify applications

Bamboo shavings and pinellia, effectively have phlegm, anti-nausea and sedative effects, for DanXu caused by phlegm heat within the boredom of restless, dizziness, nausea, ou Hui card, often with each other, with phlegm, sedative, anti-nausea effect together.However, bamboo shavings sex cold and moist, partial heat phlegm, stomach heat cure ou Hui, and good to ning god yu except vexed, uneasy and postnatal who caused by phlegm heat within virtual annoying headache, stuffy in the heart don't understand, with the best.Pinellia XinWen sex dry, partial cure cold phlegm wet phlegm and phlegm retention caused by ou Hui, and good at open bitter drop, fights the new elimination, for phlegm wet depression due to be aware of the new established not comfortable, food not and generic evil vomiting, with the best.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Clinical application of Bistort Rhizome

1. The treatment of bacillary dysentery, enteritis, made from bistort tablet, each piece contains 0.3 g.4 pieces each time, three times a day.Medicine in the treatment of bacillary dysentery in 80 cases, with an average of 6.6 days, result 71 cases cured, 5 cases were improved, spit had no effect.Effective cases average day l antifebrile, the average disappearing time for other signs and symptoms: abdominal pain 3.8 days, 2.7 days tenesmus, purulent blood was 2.9 days, and time after 3.3 days.Also useful punch 1, water decoction, 1 to 2 times a day, in the treatment of bacillary dysentery, enteritis, a total of 130 cases, all have a certain effect.
2. The treatment of tuberculosis: boxing washed and dried pieces, add starch to make pressure into 0.3 g tablets.Adult every 4 to 6 tablets, pediatric reduction.Treatment of 12 cases, medication time most elderly half a year, minimum 40 days.Results 3 cases of primary syndrome were recovered;9 cases of infiltrating tuberculosis were healed in 5 cases, improvement in 3 cases, 1 case is invalid.

3.the treatment of chronic bronchitis: use a 1:1 purple participation (rock smartweed rhizome) injection (2.2 per ml with purple and yellow ketone - 2.5 mg) intramuscular injection, each 2 ml, 2 times a day, 10 days for a course of treatment.Treatment of 103 cases, age;0 to 30 years old, 2-45 years duration.Besides l cases with severe cor pulmonale is invalid, the remaining 102 cases were effective.Disease has no obvious relation with curative effect.After three course of symptoms and signs disappeared rate is respectively: 72.8% cough, sputum 79 month %, asthma, 77.1% 67.2% dry wet rale.Cough, sputum, asthma and rale of work most of the time in the chill - 10 days.But poor anti-inflammatory effects.
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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Resina ferulae pharmacological effects

From the Wei Gen or roots after cut the rubber resin Resina Ferulae, have specific odor, taste bitter and sheen; Can the gastrointestinal absorption, even if a large number of (12) is also no significant toxicity; Can be used as a carminative (15 ~ 30 ml of enema with 4%, while taking laxative), but within 3 days after intestinal surgery should not be used. The volatile oil from the lungs out, therefore in, bronchitis, whooping cough or asthma can be used as a stimulant expectorant.
Resina Ferulae decoction has inhibitory effect on one type of mycobacterium tuberculosis in vitro, share, and sulfur, betel nut and cinnamon into decoction lavage in advance to mice, can reduce the rate of mice infected with schistosomiasis after the larvae of adult development. Water infusion in acute experiment intravenous (dog) and chronic (rat), can prolong the blood coagulation time, and can significantly reduce plasma tolerance of heparin anticoagulant effect may be related to its heparin or heparin substances in the blood increases. Foreign useful its colloid anti-seizure treatment with or some mental illness, are used as insect repellent.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tissue expression pattern of adiponectin

Although the adiponectin gene was aboriginal cloned and primarily bidding in adipose tissue, studies accept appear that adiponectin is aswell bidding in some non-adipose tissues including axial afraid arrangement (CNS). By belief adiponectin mRNA and protein, several borderline tissues accept been apparent to accurate adiponectin, although the action of the locally-expressed adiponectin charcoal unclear. Adiponectin protein was detected in endothelial beef of aperture argosy and alarmist sinusoids of patients with steatosis. Bone-forming beef aswell bidding adiponectin. Cultured animal osteoblasts accept added adiponectin announcement and beard into the average during differentiation. In addition, adiponectin mRNA levels added in osteoblasts with analysis of comestible blubbery acids. The announcement of adiponectin is aswell empiric in ashen muscle. Inflammatory cytokine analysis induced adiponectin announcement in ashen beef both in vivo and in vitro. More interestingly, contempo studies accept apparent that adiponectin is aswell bidding in the brain. Adiponectin protein localized in the luteinizing hormone, advance hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and thyroid-stimulating hormone-producing beef in the pituitary gland of brain, suggesting that locally-expressed adiponectin may adapt systemic metabolism through CNS. However, the physiological roles of CNS-expressed adiponectin abide to be elucidated. It should be acicular out that admitting the actuality that adiponectin gene announcement has been articular in some non-adipose tissues, the appreciably top levels of adiponectin announcement and protein beard amount in adipocytes announce that adipose tissue plays a ascendant role in advancement adiponectin concentrations in the circulation.