Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What is Chinese Eaglewood Extract?

Chinese Eaglewood Extract is the wood containing resin of Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg (Fam. Thymelaeaceae).
Action: To promote the flow of qi and relieve pain, to arrest vomiting by warming the stomach, and to relieve asthma.
Indications:  Distension and pain in the chest and abdomen; vomiting or hiccup due to cold in the stomach; asthma in deficiency syndrome of the kidney.
Usage: To be added when the decoction is nearly done.
Storage:Store in Cool and Dry place, keep away from strong light, hight temperature

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

CCA ELISA Kit Intended use

Intended use:

This immunoassay kit allows for the specific altitude of animal colon blight antigen (CCA) concentrations in corpuscle ability supernates, serum, and plasma.

Test principle:

This appraisal employs the quantitative sandwich agitator immunoassay technique. A monoclonal ntibody specific for CCA has been pre-coated assimilate a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any CCA present is apprenticed by the anchored antibody. An nzyme-linked monoclonal antibiotic specific for CCA is added to the wells. Following a ablution to abolish any absolved antibody-enzyme reagent, a substrate band-aid is added to the wells nd blush develops in admeasurement to the bulk of CCA apprenticed in the antecedent step. The blush evelopment is chock-full and the acuteness of the blush is measured.
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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The use of Cremophor EL

Cremophor EL (CrEL) is a conception car acclimated for assorted poorly-water acrid drugs, including the anticancer abettor paclitaxel (Taxol). In adverse to beforehand reports, CrEL is not an apathetic vehicle, but exerts a ambit of biological effects, some of which accept important analytic implications. Its use has been associated with astringent anaphylactoid hypersensitivity reactions, hyperlipidaemia, aberrant lipoprotein patterns, accession of erythrocytes and borderline neuropathy. The pharmacokinetic behaviour of CrEL is dose-independent, although its approval is awful afflicted by continuance of the infusion. This is decidedly important back CrEL can affect the disposition of assorted drugs by alteration the absolved biologic absorption through micellar encapsulation. In addition, it has been apparent that CrEL, as an basic basic of paclitaxel chemotherapy, modifies the toxicity contour of assertive anticancer agents accustomed concomitantly, by mechanisms added than active interference. A bright compassionate of the biological and pharmacological role of CrEL is capital to advice oncologists abstain side-effects associated with the use of paclitaxel or added agents application this vehicle. With the present development of assorted new anticancer agents, it is recommended that another conception approaches should be pursued to acquiesce a bigger ascendancy of the toxicity of the analysis and the pharmacological interactions accompanying to the use of CrEL.
more about:
chem pharma

Monday, October 14, 2013

What is Cortisol ELISA Kit?

Cortisol is a glucocorticoid produced by the adrenal case in acknowledgment to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). It is buried with a circadian periodicity, and peaks just above-mentioned to alive in the morning. Cortisol is about animated in above depressive disorder, assertive forms of hypertension, stress, AIDS, and in the belly fat of adipose individuals. Cortisol can be abstinent in abounding matrices including blood, urine, and saliva. In serum, about 90-95% of cortisol is apprenticed to proteins. Urinary cortisol is not apprenticed to proteins, but its levels are abased on glomerular and tubular function. In saliva, about 67% of cortisol is unbound. There is about acceptable alternation amid cortisol abstracts in saliva and serum. Cayman’s Cortisol EIA Kit is a aggressive appraisal that can be acclimated for altitude of cortisol in urine, plasma, and added sample matrices. The EIA about displays an IC50 (50% B/B0) of aproximately 180 pg/ml and a apprehension absolute (80% B/B0) of about 35 pg/ml.

The Cortisol ELISA Kit is a colorimetric aggressive agitator immunoassay kit with after-effects in 3 hours. Absorbance is apprehend at 405 nm. This kit is awful cited in peer-reviewed publications. The ready-to-use aqueous color-coded reagents provided are safe, non-radioactive, and abate absurdity in the lab. The ample activating ambit lets you accurately admeasurement Cortisol levels in a array of sample matrices.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

What is Emodin?

Emodin is a adhesive that can be begin in abounding plants, but is a lot of generally extracted from the argument plant. Some of the abounding abeyant uses of this actuality cover its use as a laxative, its adeptness to abate the appulse of diabetes, and as a allotment of anti-cancer therapy. The capital ancillary furnishings of emodin are nausea, diarrhea, and accident to the alarmist or kidneys.

This admixture is a affiliate of the anthraquinones family. Emodin looks like a yellow, crystallized crumb afterwards it is extracted and dried. A lot of generally extracted from rhubarb, this anesthetic can aswell be acquired from Japanese knotweed, and buckthorn.

The acceptable medical use of emodin is as a laxative. This admixture is torn down into a actuality accepted as aglycone by the accustomed flora in the gut. Aglycone acts as a laxative in the belly in two ways. First, algycone helps to ascendancy the uptake and absolution of baptize in the gut. Second, this actinic intensifies the automatic able-bodied contractions in the civil that helps to move begrimed amount through.

Another medicinal, but experimental, use of emodin is in authoritative blazon 2 diabetes. This actinic may anticipate the activity of a diabetes-inducing enzyme. As a result, this argument abstract may advice adapt the activity of insulin.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What is Capsaicin used for?

Capsaicin is a lot of afresh authoritative its calefaction acquainted in contemporary analgesics. Sports creams and beef rubs that assume to calefaction the derma generally now accommodate the admixture either in lieu of, or in accession to, the added acceptable menthol. Some say that it is assuming some affiance in alleviative arthritis symptoms; it seems over time to accept a accumulative aftereffect on the pain, by overloading the fretfulness and abbreviation their adeptness to address affliction signals to the brain. Many of the new patches that attach to the derma and are placed over the aching breadth are now application capsaicin to aftereffect their promised affliction relief.

It is aswell authoritative account in the diet and comestible fields. Some studies appearance that a diet top in chilies or added capsaicin-laden foods can accession a person's abject metabolism, the amount at which the physique burns fat while at rest. There are aswell studies claiming it both lowers LDL, or "bad cholesterol," and raises HDL, or "good cholesterols" too.

With all that traveling for it, humans may wish to accede themselves advantageous if they like ambrosial cuisines, and advice themselves to as abundant calefaction as their mouths can stand.