Monday, October 31, 2011

What is Welded Wire Mesh

  Cargo Name:  Welded Wire Mesh  
]   Hot-dipped galvanized after welding;
  Hot-dipped galvanized before welding;
  Electro galvanized after welding;
  Electro galvanized before welding;
  Welded mesh, PVC-coated;
  Welded mesh made of stainless steel.
  1/4"X1/4" BWG23
  3/8"X3/8" BWG19,20,21,22
  1/2"X1/2" BWG16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24
  3/4"X3/4" BWG16,17,18,19,20,21,22
  1"X1/2" BWG16,17,18,19
  1"X1" BWG14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21
  1"X2" BWG14,15,16
  2"X2" BWG14,15,16,18
  Assortments available:
  Hot-dipped galvanized after welding;
  Hot-dipped galvanized before welding;
  Electro galvanized after welding;
  Electro galvanized before welding;
  Welded mesh, PVC-coated;
  Welded mesh made of stainless steel
  Welded Wire Mesh, In the forms of rolls or panels, for construction, fences and other industrial uses.
  It enjoys the feature of corrosion resistance compared with plain welded wire mesh. Mainly used as fencing panels or further fabricated into wire partitions, wire container panels, wire baskets, welded wire fences, poultry fences and other welded products.

Read more: buy Welded Wire Mesh

Friday, October 28, 2011

About Magnesite Brick

Cargo Name: Magnesite Brick
apparent porosity:19%max
bulk density:2.85g/cm3 min
cold crushing strength: 60mpa min
refracoriness under load(0.2mpa,T0.6):1550min
thermal shock resistance:10min
More about: buy Magnesite Brick

What is Ferro Aluminum

Cargo name:Ferro Aluminum
Al 33-37%,
C 0.20% max,
Si 1.0% max,
Mn 1.0% max,
Cu 0.50% max,
Balance Fe
Sizing:Truncated Pyramid Ingots
Base: 100 x 100mm +/- 5mm,
Height: 90mm +/- 5mm
Ferro aluminum is a generic term for a whole type of alloys in which both aluminum and iron are the two main (and necessary) components. The iron and aluminum are melted together to form a alloy of 35% to 65% aluminum concentration.
Ferro-aluminum is a kind of complex deoxidizer. Its density is higher than the density of pure aluminum. It can easily integrate into molten steel and get a little burning loss. And its deoxidation effect is more than two times than pure aluminum’s in the process of making steel. After deoxidation, Ferro-aluminum becomes the product which has low smelting point can float easily on the surface of the molten steel so as to reduce the inclusion in the molten steel to improve quality of the molten steel.

Read more: buy Ferro Aluminum

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Microbial fertilizer Azotobacter

1, nitrogen-fixing bacteria is sensitive to soil pH, the optimum pH of 7.4 to 7.6, acidic soil

application of fertilizer nitrogen-fixing bacteria, should be with the application
Lime to increase the efficiency of nitrogen fixation. Too acid, alkali or bactericidal effect of

fertilizer pesticides, are not mixed fertilizer and fertilizer nitrogen-fixing bacteria, in order to

avoid a strong suppression.
2, nitrogen-fixing bacteria to improve soil moisture are higher, when the soil moisture to field water

holding capacity of 25% to 40% only began to grow 60% to 70% of the growth of the best. Therefore,

application of fertilizer nitrogen-fixing bacteria to the attention of soil moisture conditions.
3, nitrogen-fixing bacteria is the temperature, the optimum growth temperature of 25 ~ 30 ℃, 10 ℃ or

higher than 40 ℃, the growth will be inhibited. Therefore, the nitrogen-fixing bacteria of fat stored

in a cool place to be, and to maintain a certain humidity to prevent exposure.
4, nitrogen-fixing bacteria but only in the carbohydrate-rich environment, the lack of nitrogen

compounds, in order to give full play to nitrogen fixation. Soil carbon and nitrogen ratio of less than

40 ~ 70:1, the rapid cessation of nitrogen fixation. Suitable soil carbon and nitrogen into nitrogen-

fixing bacteria than is the dominant species, the most important conditions of fixed nitrogen.

Therefore, the nitrogen-fixing bacteria is best applied in organic-rich soil, or with the application of

organic fertilizer.
5, a large number of soil application of nitrogen, the nitrogen-fixing bacteria to be separated about

10d Zaishi fat, otherwise it will reduce the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in nitrogen fixation. However,

nitrogen-fixing agent with phosphorus, potassium and trace elements with the application of fertilizer,

the nitrogen-fixing bacteria can promote the activity, especially in the barren soil.
6, nitrogen-fixing bacteria fertilizer for various crops, especially for cereal crops and vegetables in

the leafy effect is obvious. Generally used as a seed dressing fertilizer nitrogen-fixing bacteria, with

the mix with the broadcast, then the casing, in order to avoid direct sunlight. Also be dipped in

seedling root or as base fertilizer in the vegetable beds, or mixed with cotton cover types of

fertilizer applied. The roots of crops can also be topdressing, or a combination of irrigation,


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buy Azotobacter

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Horsetail use

1 diuretic and kidney problems
The most famous use of horsetail as a mild diuretic (“water supply and drainage drug”) to increase

urination and reduce edema, and as a variety of bladder and kidney problems (including kidney stones and

bladder infections) treatments. The urinary horsetail – the reproductive system is a kind of excellent

astringent, because of its high silicone content and can reduce the bleeding and heal wounds. Horsetail

in the treatment of incontinence and the same bed-wetting in children has a very high value. It is

considered a benign enlarged prostate inflammation or cure.
2 Osteoporosis
Silicon, this type of essential elements, in the very high levels in the horsetail. Silicon is the

appropriate body to use calcium necessary elements. Many people diagnosed with a lack of calcium is not

really a lack of calcium, they are actually the lack of silica in the diet so the body does not properly

use calcium and the formation of precipitation. Therefore, some experts have proposed the formation of

silicon is necessary for bone and cartilage components. This indicates that horsetail may be effective

in preventing osteoporosis.
3 arthritis and atherosclerosis
Silicon in horsetail may help explain its high levels in the treatment of arthritis and the use of

atherosclerotic disease, because the joints and artery tissues are rich in silicon.
4 brittle nails
Anecdotal reports suggest sex may horsetail in the treatment of brittle nails in some applications.

This may be because high levels of horsetail silica and silicates, which can supply about 2 to 3%

elemental silicon.
5 treatment of wounds
horsetailcan be used within or external to reduce inflammation and promote wound healing. Its

treatment of wounds, strengthen connective tissue is very effective, but because the nature of the

convergence of bleeding ulcer bleeding also helps healing. However, antihypertensive drugs, and should

be avoided and service.

What is Monoclonal antibody

Monoclonal antibody (referred to as mAb) specific antigens for the specific
purification of antibodies
with high specificity, can be accurately aimed to capture the target target,
specifically react with the
target goal, people often referred to as “biological missile. “Humanized
monoclonal antibody drugs
Teshin raw surface of the tumor that over-expression of specific binding of
epidermal growth factor
receptor (EGFR), targeting a strong, low toxicity, tumor molecular targeted
therapy represents the
latest development.
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Food additive main effects

Food additives contributed greatly to the development of food industry, and known as the soul of the
modern food industry, primarily its many benefits to the food industry, its main role is as follows:
Prevent deterioration:
For example: preservatives can prevent from microorganisms in food spoilage and prolong shelf life of

food, but also can prevent food poisoning caused by the role of microbial contamination. Another

example: antioxidants can prevent or delay the oxidative deterioration of food to provide food,

stability and storability, but also prevents potentially harmful substances in the formation of fat

auto-oxidation. In addition, can also be used to prevent food, especially fruits, vegetables and non-

enzymatic browning enzymatic browning. These are the preservation of food has a certain significance.
Improve the sensory properties of food:
Food color, smell, taste, shape and texture is a measure of food quality and other important indicators.

Appropriate use of coloring agent, color, bleach, food spices and emulsifiers, thickeners and other food

additives, can significantly improve the sensory quality of food, to meet people’s different needs.
Maintain or improve the nutritional value of food:
In the food processing appropriate to add some part of the scope of natural nutrition food nutrition

fortifier, can greatly improve the nutritional value of food, which is to prevent malnutrition and

nutritional deficiencies, promote nutritional balance, improve people’s health is important.
Increase the variety and convenience foods:
Now the market has many as 20,000 more than the food available to consumers, even though most of these

food production through packaging and different processing methods must deal with, but in production

engineering, some color, smell and taste with all the products, add to varying degrees, mostly coloring,

flavoring, seasoning as well as other food additives. It is these many foods, especially convenience

food supply to people’s lives and work to bring great convenience.
Beneficial to food processing:
Defoamer used in food processing, filter aid, stability and coagulants, etc., can be beneficial to food

processing operations. For example, when using gluconic acid δ lactone as tofu coagulant, the tofu can

be beneficial to the production of mechanization and automation.
Meet other special needs:
Food should be possible to meet people’s needs. For example, diabetes can not eat candy, you can use

non-nutritive sweeteners or low calorie sweeteners such as sucralose or aspartic acid phenylalanine

methyl ester made from sugar-free food supply.